Liquid cooling is a method of cooling electronic components, particularly high-performance computer systems, by using liquid to transfer heat away from the heat-generating components.


In a liquid cooling system, a liquid coolant, typically water or a specialized coolant mixture, is circulated through tubes or channels that come into direct contact with the hot components. The liquid absorbs the heat generated by the components and carries it away from the source, where it can be dissipated more efficiently through a radiator or heat exchanger.

Liquid cooling systems offer several advantages over traditional air cooling methods:
1) Enhanced Heat Dissipation
2) Reduced Noise:
3) Overclocking Potential
4) Flexibility in Design
5) Aesthetics
6) Enhance TCO


Liquid Rack

  • Liquid Rack is a dream cooling solution which designed for multiple types of digital infrastructures, it can be applied to cloud service, crypto mining, telecommunication
    facilities and many others.
  • Patented spay technology oriented towards better performance and higher reliability, compared with some other methods of liquid cooling.